504 Absolutely Essential Words | Unit 10

excel – գերազանցել
feminine – կանացի
mount – բարձրանալ
compete – մրցակցել
dread – սարսափ
masculine – տղամարդու
menace – սպառնալիք
tendency – միտում
underestimate – թերագնահատել
victorious – հաղթական
numerous – բազմաթիվ
flexible – ճկուն

Fill in the Blanks

1. The massive* tree on the corner was a menace to traffic.
2. At parties, the shy girl would dread being asked to dance.
3. My uncle has a tendency to repeat the same story over and over again.
4. The modest man used to underestimate his own strength.
5. No person can ever excel in all things he does.
6. Being flabby is far better than being stubborn.
7. We went to the beach on numerous occasions last summer.
8. Playing with dolls is traditionally* a feminine pastime.
9. Only the brightest students were invited to compete for the prize.
10. Carole was ten years old before her parents finally let her mount a horse.
11. The amateur* tennis player completed many matches without being victorious.
12. When Stuart started growing a mustache, it was obvious* he was becoming more masculine.

Letter about road safety | Essay

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you today to express my concern about the issue of road safety. As you are likely aware, the number of traffic accidents has been steadily increasing over the years, and it is important that we take action to reduce the risk of further incidents.

There are a number of factors that contribute to accidents on the road, including speeding, distracted driving, and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It is crucial that we work together to address these issues and create a safer environment for all road users.

One of the most effective ways to improve road safety is through education. We need to ensure that all drivers are aware of the risks associated with reckless driving and understand the importance of following traffic laws and regulations. This can be accomplished through public awareness campaigns, driver education programs, and targeted enforcement efforts.

In addition to education, infrastructure improvements can also play a significant role in reducing the risk of accidents. This may include the installation of traffic signals and signs, the implementation of traffic calming measures, and the creation of dedicated bike lanes and pedestrian crossings.

Finally, we need to continue to promote responsible driving behavior and hold those who violate traffic laws accountable for their actions. This can be accomplished through increased enforcement efforts, such as increased police presence on the roads and the use of automated speed cameras.

In conclusion, road safety is a critical issue that requires our collective attention and effort. By working together to promote responsible driving behavior, improve infrastructure, and raise awareness about the risks associated with reckless driving, we can create a safer environment for all road users.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


April 3-8

Complete this story in about 200 – 250 words, using your imaginations!

Im going to tell you a real story which happened to my grandpa. It was Easter morning and my grandparents wanted to go to church. When my grandpa wanted to open the door of his car, he saw that it was already open. And the back side window was broken. Pices of glass were lying on the back seat and outside the car. He was at a loss and didn’t know what to do. At that moment a neighbour told my grandpa that the car hood was half open. My grandpa immediately opened the hood and saw that the accumulator was stolen. I advised my grandpa to call the police but he didn’t listen to me. He and my father went to the shop of spare parts to buy a new accumulator.

Next morning, when I was looking at the paper (on the Internet), I happened to see this small article. “Last night the police arrested a young man, who was a thief specialized in breaking into cars and stealing car parts.

Why is it Important to Learn a Foreign Language?

In today’s era, multilingualism has become more than just ‘important’. Knowing a foreign language other than your native language has evolved to be extremely beneficial. Whether viewed from the financial or social aspect, being able to communicate in a foreign language helps to make ‘real’ connection with people and provides a better understanding of your language.

Why should you learn a foreign language? Learning a foreign language open up employment opportunities. For businesses, it is essential to develop and sustain a strong footing in the global economy. It is better achievable if they can understand the psychology and the language of their foreign clients. Most companies therefore, look for candidates with foreign language skills. If you are already working, knowing a foreign language may lead to special recognitions or promotions. As an employer, it will help encourage staff performance, improve customer services, and increase revenue for your company.

Apart from the financial gains learning a foreign dialect can offer a unique experience to travellers. People, who love to explore different parts of the world, know about diverse cultures, places, and lifestyle, knowing the local language can offer a life changing experience. You can easily find the places, ask for directions, and even order food. Speaking a language gives you a better understanding of the country’s culture. You can interact with people more freely providing a greater scope of meeting new people, making new friends, more fun, and enjoyment.  

Another reason why you should learn a foreign language is that the knowledge of a foreign language enhances your cognitive and analytical abilities. Learning a foreign language is tough and involves a lot of mental exercise. On the individual level, it improves personality and increases your sense of self-worth. The need of language faculties has increased due to the -growing interest in students to learn foreign languages. People associated with social services need to work with diverse groups from several countries. Ability to speak in a foreign language enables them to communicate and serve people better.

The next important decision is to choose from the number of foreign languages – French, Spanish, German, or Italian- to be learnt. Whether you learn a language for a specific reason or out of interest, learning a foreign language will lead to long-term success. It will open up new avenues before you. The more language you know, the better you can express yourself.

Skills for the 21-st century Workplace

Have you got the skills you need for the 21st-century workplace?
We need to develop all kinds of skills to survive in the 21st century. Some, like ICT skills and knowledge of the digital world, are taught explicitly in schools in the UK. Here are five less obvious ones for you to think about. These are the sorts of skills that employers may ask you questions about in interviews, so it’s a good idea to think about how good you are in these areas. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
In the age of technology that we are living in now, it is no longer enough to keep on making the same products. Employers need people who can imagine new approaches and new ideas.
Think: Think of an object or gadget you use every day. How could it be improved? Can you think of three improvements?
Problem solving
Employers will value workers who are able to see problems before they happen and come up with creative solutions.
Think: Imagine you are organising an end-of-term social event at school. Think of some problems that you could face. Can you think of any solutions?
Communication skills
Workers will have to be good communicators. They will have to be able to negotiate and discuss key issues and also write in a clear way without using too many words.
Think: How do people communicate with each other in the 21st century?
Critical analysis
Employers want workers who are able to recognise the difference between information that can be believed and false information.
Think: Use the internet to find out three facts about a celebrity or famous figure. Can you verify the information by checking other websites?
Decision making
Individual workers have a growing amount of responsibility. It is important to be able to evaluate a situation and be confident in making a decision.
Think: Which three things could you do to (a) be healthier (b) do better at school and (c) help others? Make a decision now to do at least one of these things. Then … just do it!
Exercise I. Are the sentences true or false?

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Language Leader | Unit 4


  1. Organized and logical people find it easy to learn grammar rules.
  2. Musical people find it easy to develop a good accent.
  3. Extroverts find it easy to communicate in their native language and so often find it easy to learn to speak a foreign language.
  4. Flexible people can adapt to different dialects (the way a language is spoken in different areas).
  5. People who are bilingual already know two languages so learning one more is very easy.
  6. Learners of languages should make an effort to learn informal phrases, everyday expressions and even slang.

Most of the sayings, I believe, are based on stereotypes, because it is not likely to guess what different people will be good at or slightly worse at. Who said that musical people develop a good accent? Both of the things have nothing to do with each other. Or the third saying, it does not have to do with being an extrovert, if a person can easily communicate in every language that means they’re just not insecure. Most of the things are just predictions based on human personalities.


c) people who want to speak English as a fluent language.


  1. You will receive a certificate at the end of the course. Not given
  2. There are exams to check your progress during the course. Not given
  3. English is one of the languages offered. True
  4. You will become fluent in six weeks. True
  5. There are support materials in English. False